I-softinc Technology - Melbourne - IT services, Internet services, web services, Melbourne - 2205346


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I-softinc Technology - IT services, Internet services, web services

Ref. number: 2205346 Updated: 28-03-2016 10:46

Offering: IT services, Internet services, web services in Australia, Melbourne

I-softinc is a leading Mobile application and web application development company that offers Mobile as well as Web solution to consumers and businesses. Founded in 2010, we have successfully developed more than 1000 applications (including 50 apps in top categories and 50 apps in top Notch team) not only in Android, ios but in Blackberry and Windows platform as well. We specialized in Game development, Web App Services, Cloud Computing serving many customers and clients from different industry like TCI, Real Estate, Hospitals, Education, Food, Diet Chart Daily, Wedding, Health, Yoga and more. Visit : www.i-softinc.com

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First name: Lalit
Last name: Singh
Mobile number: 9560060568
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