Tooth bonding, or dental bonding, is the name of any of several procedures that use a dental restorative, also called dental composite, for repairing missing, worn, damaged or decayed teeth. In bonding, the restoratives or fillings form a strong bond with the dentin and enamel of the tooth.
Uses of Tooth Bonding
Some uses of tooth bonding can be briefly listed as:
• Cosmetic enhancement of teeth
• Removal of the decayed part of tooth
• Prevention of cracking of teeth
• Filling of cracks, chips, and gaps in teeth
White Fillings
White fillings are also called composite fillings. By composition, they are a mixture of glass or quartz filler placed in a resin medium. Dentists for restorative work especially for front teeth prefer white fillings. Some of the advantages of white filings are:
• They are durable and resistant to fractures.
• Less tooth structure needs to removed when restoring with white fillings.
• They can be bonded adhesively in a cavity, allowing a more conservative tooth repair.
• They replace the metal alloy fillings, which may evoke allergies in some people.
• They are moderate in cost.