Set Building Australia - Melbourne - Other industrial goods, Melbourne - 3156209


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Set Building Australia - Other industrial goods

Ref. number: 3156209 Updated: 16-07-2024 05:50

Offering: Other industrial goods in Australia, Melbourne

Imported Theatre Fabrics is your one-stop solution for all theatre set designing and set building requirements in Australia. Specializing in set building in Australia, our team has assisted clients in the entertainment industry by constructing sets for their events. We can build, install, and dismantle sets for any production as per your theatre set requirements. Additionally, we help you design or allocate the products that best suit your stage, special events, or functions. When you choose Imported Theatre Fabrics, you’re partnering with one of the top event set builders in Australia, known for our commitment to excellence and innovation in set building and construction. Call us at 03 9583 9559 for your set construction needs in Australia. Website:

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Contact information
First name: Theatre
Last name: Fabrics
Phone number: 03 9583 9559
Mobile number: 03 9583 9559
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