Clean Tech Controls - Melbourne - Other services, Melbourne - 3173044


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Clean Tech Controls - Other services

Ref. number: 3173044 Updated: 26-11-2024 16:32

Offering: Other services in Australia, Melbourne

We provide power and control switchboards and engineering services to integrate renewable energy, EV chargers, microgrids and other clean energy technologies. In addition to electrical switchboards, our customers rely on our unrivalled industry experience and know-how to deliver smart and reliable grid connection, protection, power quality analysis and injection testing solutions. Our clients, which include industry leading companies, infrastructure firms, EPCs and solar retailers, maintain Clean Tech Controls reputable and trusted position as one of the leading clean energy service providers in the country. We are passionate about leveraging the power of clean energy and control systems towards creating a cleaner and more sustainable energy future for Australia. We are hoping we can build strong new relationships through collaboration and sharing of ideas. We're proud to be a local manufacturer and produce our switchboards at our Tempe facility. Our website: Cleantech

Contact information
First name: Clean Tech
Last name: Controls
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