Turmeric latte in Melbourne | Turmeric latte in Australia - Melbourne - Health services, beauty services, Melbourne - 2365528


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Turmeric latte in Melbourne | Turmeric latte in Australia - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 2365528 Updated: 19-12-2016 12:59

Offering: Health services, beauty services in Australia, Melbourne

The Golden Blend Turmeric or Haldi as it is called in Hindi has been used by humans for thousands of years. A spice which is known for its medicinal properties Turmeric is very actively used as an ingredient in cooking Indian meals. Turmeric is an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial agent and is used to prevent from various diseases including fatal diseases like Cancer, Diabetes etc. The Golden Blend is basically an effort to create a perfect blend of taste & health using the super spice Turmeric. The Golden Blend has been blended & hand packed in Australia with top quality imported ingredients which include Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon, Black Pepper & Coconut Oil. Apart from these active ingredients we have also added some healthy plant-based fats to the mix which allows the Turmeric to get more easily absorbed in its most active form which is Cur cumin. The best part about this product is that it can be used by anyone at anytime. Starting right from the morning, having a cup of this Golden Milk is a great way to start off your day with an energizing boost. It keeps you charged throughout the day and is a healthy alternative to the Coffee. The Golden Blend powder can also be added to Protein shakes post workouts as it boosts the anabolic effect of insulin and helps prevent body fat accumulation, plus it is a very good muscle repairer and relaxer. It is rich in Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Zinc & Copper and therefore a must have drink for Kids, teenagers& adults. It is 100% vegetarian, Dairy Free, Caffeine Free, Gluten Free, Sugar Free and a Non GMO product which makes it good to add to any drink or meal of your choice. The Golden Blend website ( www.thegoldenblend.com.au) has listed a lot of interesting recipes for the product which you should try, Golden Blend can be added to a lot of smoothies, frappe’s and milk based cookies.

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First name: Golden
Last name: Blend
Phone number: 0421452216
Mobile number: 0421452216
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